Thursday, November 20, 2014

We're Putting Our House on the Market!

And so it begins...
Our dream has always been to buy land here on Lookout Mountain and build, and in order to get that process moving, we are putting our current house on the market and moving somewhere smaller. We are sad and nervous and excited and overwhelmed at God's goodness!
We have loved our seven years in this beautiful house and really want to see a family buy it and enjoy it as much as we have. Please pray for this whole process. We hope to be showing building progress pictures on the blog within two years. 

1 comment:

Audra said...

The girls and I are so sad to think of you moving from the Princess house but SOOOOO excited to see what God does for your new home! :) Sometimes it takes a lot of work and sweat and tears to make your dreams come true (haha, you already know this!), and here you are making things happen! We will be praying for you guys and please keep us updated on how we can help.