Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Updates and Silly Pics

Naomi took a few pics of Jacob and "Baby" yesterday.
At this very moment, Bethany is standing on a chair tapping on the family room window and yelling "Omi! Jajuh!" and "Di Dis! Eh ah oo?" Yes, she's getting a lot more verbal lately. She's especially talkative in the morning when she uses her 20 words to convey countless stories about her night. She also asks immediately for any family member who isn't gathered around her in the morning. Bethany is definitely happiest when she knows where everyone is. Tuesday morning Nate left early, and when Bethany got up she asked "Where is Daddy?" (Eh ih Daddy?) probably 50 times. Every time I said "Daddy is already at work." That would get her through a few minutes until she noticed Daddy wasn't around. Then she'd ask again!
Jacob is loving life in community. He is crazy about his friends Bjorn, Graham, and Bailey. He loves his new friend Gardner who comes to nursery at Bible Study, and usually meets a new friend every time we go to the Y. Jacob is still writing lots of letters and recently has been working on how to spell his friend Bjorn's name. A couple of days ago I realized he had started spelling his own name "BJACOB" !
Naomi is really enjoying school, though whether or not she would admit that depends on the current activity. She loves having her friends come over for castle school, she loves it when I trust her enough to leave her alone to finish her work, and she loves the more creative games or artwork that we do together. The math facts and the correcting handwriting--not so much. Today's journal entry for school was, "Today is Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 and I will be going to cwior." She loves to write about princesses and places to go in her journal.
Olivia is excited about turning 32 tomorrow and looking forward to a date on Friday night. : ) She is very busy with the housework, the cooking, the taking care of kiddos, the teaching of school, and the writing of two blogs. She still makes time for reading though, and is currently re-reading The Sword in the Stone as part of the "Re-reading all my favorites" craze. Her favorite times of day are quiet time in the morning, dinner time with the family, and bedtime at night!
Nate is having an extraordinarily busy week with practicing and playing for a gig at Covenant. He'll finish that up late on Thursday night. He's also extra busy with work lately and would probably benefit from those 40-hour days he's asked for occasionally. (Olivia, for one, is very thankful that she gets to rest every 15!) He's excited about a few days of celebrating thankfulness in St. Louis next week.

1 comment:

T and B Rowe said...

How was your birthday???