Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fun with Paper

We had a rare slow morning today, so we did one of Naomi's favorite things: cut and tape paper. We started with a few people, then they needed a house, which of course needed furnishings. And the people needed a baby. Naomi did quite a bit of the cutting a taping. She also added the faces and clothes to the people.

Momma and Baby

Husband and Wife in front of their house

After their house was finished and decorated, the paper people invited Lightening McQueen, Chick Hicks, My Little Pony, and Snow White over for dinner.

A super silly pic of Jacob-this is as rare as a slow morning!

1 comment:

Jonathan and Audra Payne said...

Tell Naomi I am VERY impressed with her and her mama! Extremely cute! I'm so glad you guys were able to take is slow one morning....