Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Happy Birthday, Caleb!

Happy Birthday, dear Caleb!

We threw a race car party on Friday evening with friends and cake and presents and grandparents and lots of fun for the birthday boy.

And he was so overwhelmed and excited about his presents that he couldn't even eat a piece of cake!
He loved every minute of it, and he's still loving every minute of his birthday.

Can I just say that throwing Caleb a party and showering him with gifts is like soothing balm for this mother's heart? Can it have been only last year that we first saw this picture and felt our hearts stretched over the miles to Uganda?
Yes, these are our little ones as we first saw them. And it was Caleb's eyes that told me they were ours.
And then, before we could even meet them, Caleb chose to pick this t-shirt out of the pile at the orphanage to wear. A friend who was there snapped and sent his picture having no idea that Caleb's daddy was wearing the very same shirt that very same day.

And then we went. And we held them and we loved them and we learned to speak their language and they gave new meaning to our family.

This boy has given us so much.

So, Caleb Purpose Kimbugwe Oster, we celebrate you today.
Happy Birthday, my beloved boy!


Happy Birthday, Nate!

While Nate's parents were here, we had an "All September Birthdays" celebration. Thank you Grandma, for the baseball glove for Nate, the Lego Movie and lego set for Jacob, and the clothes, legos , and Bolt movie for Caleb! Yay!

On Nate's birthday we had a big celebratory breakfast and gave him a card that made him 
"King for the day." 

Happy Birthday, dear Nate!
Friend, provider, daddy, super hero, man of God...
We love you!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Daily Life August 2014 Edition

A few pics from the past two weeks
Cute boys in cute hats

A little native American celebration

School Day Schedule
Breakfast at 7:30
Morning chores
At the table for school by 8:15
Daily Sheets
Math with N and J
(Afterwards N and J head to their rooms to work on Math, Hilger HW and extra assignments.)
Math with C and B (and A)
Writing with C and B
Reading on the front porch individually with C and B
Nap/rest/outside reading time
Soccer/Outside play in the afternoons


Saturday Schedule
Caleb's game--9am
Bethany's game--10:30am
Jacob's game (at a different park)--11am
Afternoons for chores or errands or both

library reading hour
(We caught this one Monday while the big kids were at Hilger.)

Math lesson with the little ones--Amos loves to join Caleb and Bethany for their Saxon 1. There's just something about getting to erase numbers, play with manipulatives and sing songs that is irresistible.