Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jacob's Bug

Jacob decided to draw his bugs today. Amazing!
I found a site called Refrigerator Artist where I can post and save Jacob's art. Check it out!

Naomi's Garden

April 15th: Naomi planting her garden
April 27th: Growing plants!
A few sunflowers

Monday, April 26, 2010

Castle School 4/19-4/26

4/19 Look at these matching girls!

4/26 Today we talked about Levi Strauss and his invention of blue jeans. I bought a very cheap pair of blue jeans (I know I should have recycled; we'll recycle next time, I promise!)
And after some stitching on from the girls and some stitching from the mommas, we had hand made bags!

Funny Children

"Yook at me!"
"Take my picture too!"
"Momma, will you blog this?"
A favorite pass-time when the weather is warm (and the children are tired!)

Hike on the "Back" of the Mountain

A friend of Jacob's invited us for a hike near the friend's home on 4/16. Wow, it was gorgeous!
Naomi, Jacob, and Bethany did great on the hike. 
For Naomi, the highlight of the hike was at the end when this friendly horse allowed her to talk, pet, and feed it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Hike With Chris and Family

Tuesday my cousin Chris and his family stopped by for dinner and a (very) short hike down to the rocks at the end of our road. I'm so glad they stopped by! (Hint, hint to the rest of the family!)
I didn't get a pick of Chris's whole family, but I do have a few of Destin and Cayhil.

Castle School 4/12

We invented cars out of marshmallows, peanut butter play dough, crackers, and other edible odds and ends. We took pictures, and then we ate them of course!
And in case you were wondering, it was in1672 that Ferdinand Verbiest from Belgium built one of the first cars (both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton drew plans for ones earlier).
Then came a few of "Miss Olivia, take a picture of this!" (And a bonus: they invented umbrellas all on their own!)

After cars we talked a little about the piano (first built by Cristofori in 1710) and then the jigsaw puzzle (invented by Soilsbury in 1767). 
We also talked a bit about the calculator and the triangle invented by Pascal. Pascal invented the first calculator in 1642 when he was about 18! Amazing. I'm certainly learning a lot, and I think the girls are having fun! : )

Pictures from Sunday April 11th